2017 General Election Voters' Guide
Spokane Superior Court - Judge Position 6

Coming Soon
Jocelyn Cook

Legal/Judicial Experience: Ten years litigating criminal and dependency cases for Spokane County.  Two years’ appellate work with Lana C. Glenn.  Attended the National Criminal Defense College.  Recipient of Washington Defender Association President’s Award.  CALI Excellence for the Future Award in Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, and Oral Advocacy.  Center for Children’s Rights Fellow.  Mentor for the Academic Success Program at Whittier College School of Law.  

Other Professional Experience: No information submitted

Education: Graduate of The College of William and Mary.  Graduate of Whittier College School of Law, Magna Cum Laude.

Community Service: Past participant in the Volunteer Lawyers Program for Spokane County. Parent volunteer for educational fundraising events.

Statement: Jocelyn Cook and her husband, Tom, have been living in Spokane since 2005. Together, they raise two children and work to support the community. Ms. Cook represents indigent clients. Her husband is a special education teacher.

Ms. Cook became an attorney after receiving a fellowship from the Center for Children’s Rights. This fellowship allowed her to focus on advocating for the rights of children. After two years of appellate work, Ms. Cook began work for Spokane County. Ms. Cook has tried cases to jury and bench. She has drafted appellate briefs and countless motions addressing constitutional, evidentiary, and factual issues.

Her clients appreciate her candor and ability to interpret and explain the law in a clear, understandable way. Other lawyers appreciate her passion, honesty, and intelligence. She is dedicated to the rule of law and works to ensure it is interpreted in a way that is true to the Constitution and its principles. Says Ms. Cook, “It would be an honor to serve Spokane as a superior court judge and to demonstrate my commitment to the fair and impartial application of the rule of law through this position.”

Statement prepared by JocelynCook4Judge, PO Box 8782, Spokane 99203

(509) 270-8891